Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The road to hell is paved with stimulus dollars

Just like those pictures you posted to your Facebook account, there is no turning back now; the Spendulus bill has become the Spendulus law. President Obama used ten pens and burned about 11 tons of fuel an hour flying from DC to Denver to spend nearly one trillion dollars of our hard earned money faster than former staffers and rejected cabinet members can become lobbyists. The First African American President and the nation's biggest boob of a Vice President took separate jets to a campaign rally in the mile high city that was sprinkled with Democratic spendlebrities and green-minded business people. I don't really blame The ONE for taking his own jet, I wouldn't want to be cooped up in a cross country ride with Biden either. But, this animal is now the President's.

Some White House staffer, who seems to be about as competent as Jessica Simpson's stylist, picked a businessman whose company has seen incredible growth over the past 7 years, in this the worst economy since the Great Depression, to introduce the President to speak before signing his economy saving plan. No mention was made that the President and his posse burned more energy getting to the signing than will be generated by the solar panels this company installed on the building's roof in ten years! I don't begrudge Obama for using Air Force The ONE. If I had my own plane I'd fly to the end of the driveway to pick up the mail but doesn't this action, once again, wreak of hypocrisy at an event where the implied economic hardship and belt tightening that is expected of us was stated in none too veiled rhetoric. A Rose Garden signing with a couple Bic Pens would have set an example that we are all in this together.

The ink hadn't dried on the signature line before Air Force The ONE was once again airborne and on its way to Phoenix where, tomorrow, The ONE will save the poor sweating Phoenicians from losing their homes with yet another government program. No mention of where Air Force Two took Number Two but I believe this was mainly due to national indifference. It took about this same amount of time for trial balloons around Spendulus II, the sequel, to launch. My how times have changed from the days when we had bootstraps of our own and a leader who understood(NOTE: Read this link) our Founding Father's intent for government instead of a prolific teleprompter reading, American Idolized, rhythm challenged President.

I put up a Photoshop image on Friday touting the End. Obama, in his speech today did his best Jim Morrison impersonation and said, "this is the end..." This package, now law, truly could portend to be the end of capitalism in the United States. I won't be so flip as others in the blogosphere and Internet news and say we are moving toward Socialism. We aren't. We are on the road to full blown Fascism. Remember a few months ago I advised "F 'em before they F' us".

Think about it, this new government and its programs include elements of nationalism, corporatism, national syndicalism, expansionism, social progress and anti-supposed terrorism in combination with censorship of subversives and state propaganda. Yes, the previous sentence was taken almost verbatim from a site describing Benito Mussolini but every one of those elements is here today or being explored as very real possibilities. Follow the links if you don't believe me.

The passage of the Spendulus bill increases our government's spending to over 40% of GDP. Hell, France is at 47% but I am sure a fair portion of that is spent researching more efficient methods of surrender. GM and Chrysler are seeking more money. There is talk about banks being nationalized and Congress is chomping at the bit for Nancy to quit shopping in Piazza di Spagna and jet back to Washington in her private government jumbo to begin working on nationalizing our Health Care. Hugo Chavez has nothing on our government officials. It makes me think Sean Penn must be on The ONE's super secret BlackBerry e-mail list; right below George Clooney.

We are being told not to worry and to trust that this spending is temporary. Juan Williams forgot to take off his NPR hat today during an appearance on Fox News and stated just that. The government will cut back on these programs once the economy recovers. Remember, these are unprecedented times. If you believe that, I think you probably also think those idiots nipping at Miley Cyrus's heels and suing her for insulting Asians have a chance in hell of winning their four billion dollar lawsuit. Government never gives back and it never cuts programs. Recovery.com has been set up, and paid for with $84 million dollars in the Spendulus Law, for us to see where this money is going. I am sure this government run site will not be yet another campaign outlet for The ONE's 2012 election.

In the months and years to come I hope, instead of bipartisanship, the Republicans fight the Democrats more fiercly than I-fart is battling Air-O-Matic. I am upset with the Republicans and their "make the best of it attitude" so far today. Keep the fires burning.

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