Saturday, February 28, 2009

Signs of the times

Last night's rambling kept me up later than I would have liked so tonight I'll offer a short commentary on a trend that is sweeping the nation and gaining momentum. No, it isn't wearing your housecoat backward and calling it a "Snuggie sleeve blanket" nor is it wiping up spills with a camping towel and calling it a Sham Wow! By the way, if I get any more emails from either of these to spamalot companies I will scream!

Sweeping the country are organized and peaceful protests about the actions being taken by the First African American president of the United States. The ONE and his practices of spending enough money to buy all the tea in China is drawing the ire of regular folks in cities big and small. These citizens are raising Cain like a tempest in a teapot and, with the help of bloggers and talk radio, are letting their voices be heard.

I normally share Groucho Marx's "I won't belong to any club that would have me" philosophy but I am hoping to be in a city where one of these demonstrations is brewing for I will join in. My cup is running over with fury about the direction the country is going. It is time we all dipped our teabags into the warm waters of political debate. Papers are covering the protests on a local basis but the National media seems lukewarm to the idea of covering this hot topic.

Glenn Beck will be having an event on March 13th (I think that is the date) but check at your local right wing fanatical super secret clubhouse for a rally in your hometown area. Or you could head over to as she seems to have tons of links to organizers all over the country.

If you want to see what a motivated and peacefully pissed off electorate looks like go here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. I think you get the idea by now. GET INVOLVED!

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