Monday, February 2, 2009

Who's the Boss' boss?

Bruce Springsteen is surely on a winning streak. His candidate The ONE, when he can find the door, is firmly ensconced, sans jacket, behind the desk in the toasty warm Oval Office. He landed a plumb gig as the halftime entertainment for the Super Bowl and he has a new album selling amazingly well to overweight classless middle class Americans at WalMarts exclusively.

I haven't had much nice to say about the Boss' more recent offerings. For me it is not the fact he has begun writing shorter radio friendly music. Some call that selling out. What bothers me is his vocal support of candidates with whom I vehemently disagree and the inclusion of this support in his music. Conservative radio personality Laura Ingraham said it best when she said, "shut up and sing" in referring to musicians piping up about politics and inside the beltway issues instead of using their pipes to belt out their music.

I fully expected a shout out to the First African American President of the United States during the show. Surprisingly, the "Hey Obama" didn't come until after the game. What the hell was Dan Rooney thinking? I hear The ONE is considering him for Ambassador to Ireland. Springsteen's set was solid, well played and enjoyable. No politics.

Of course life isn't all chips and guacamole for old Bruce. He had to apologize to his fans for the exclusive deal he struck with the evil corporate WalMart for the selling of his new CD. It seems the champion of workers rights hypocritically climbed in to bed with a corporation known for its anti-union stance. Yep, the Boss is sleeping with the Man.

I wonder what his fans think of the ultimate "sell out" in Springsteen "going to Disneyland"?

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