Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The House stands for something and the Senate falls for anything.

I wrote back in December that the Democrats didn't need to get to 60 votes in the Senate to have their filibuster proof majority. With Al Franken and Norm Coleman still battling for Minnesota's Senate seat in a wrestling match worthy of a pay-per-view airing as the under card to the tag team match of Daschle/Geithner vs. Common Sense/American Taxpayer the party in power has been circling the ring in anticipation of pinning the Republicans to the mat in all matters legislative.

Part of the impetus behind that post were gutless, go along to get along Republicans who have drunk the Obama Kool-Aid. Guys like Sen. Judd Gregg (R-NH) who was recently nominated to head The ONE's Commerce Department. Gregg's acceptance of this nomination opens the door for New Hampshire's Democratic Governor to replace him with a fellow Democrat. Supposedly there are assurances this will not happen. I almost hope Governor Lynch reneges on this promise just to prove, once again, the current crop of Republican officials in Washington need to be replaced for incompetence and gullibility.

But would putting a Democrat butt in Gregg's seat be that much different from the ass currently occupying it? Michelle Malkin points out, in her usual inimitable style, that Gregg and Barack seem to be twin sons of different mothers in the area of the so-called stimulus porkalooza. Phil Klein over at American Spectator asks simply, "What was Gregg Thinking?"

Republicans in the House, despite standing in unison and voting unanimously against the soon to be One Trillion Dollar bailout of everything under the Sun, couldn't stop the express train to socialism. Republicans in the Senate currently can. But they can only do it if their leadership can ride herd and keep all their members together. (I was hoping for a pork related analogy here but you just don't herd pigs.) Unfortunately, like cattle to the slaughter, the stimulus bill is stampeding its way through the Senate and the strongest words of resistance we hear from Republican leaders like Mitch McConnell are, "“Our goal is not to kill it. Our goal is to make it better.” The GOP, he insisted, “has an open mind... Nobody that I know of is trying to keep a package from passing.” With supposed stalwart conservatives like McConnell capitulating to the death of Capitalism and others like Phil Graham and Orrin Hatch cowing to The ONE's wishes to put the likes of Eric Holder and Timothy Geithner in positions of power what does it matter if the Democrats officially get to 60 votes? They can milk the Republican ranks for every vote they need without need to increase their ranks.

All bitching aside, it is time to get to the meat of the issue. Democrats are feeding the stimulus package with every pork laden idea hatched since the Carter administration. Like Lambs to the slaughter Republican Senators are going along to a future about as promising as a turkey with a guest appearance in a Sarah Palin interview. As a life long vegetarian, small government Capitalist, I find all of this pretty hard to swallow.

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