Tuesday, December 9, 2008

F ‘em before they can F us

A group of our board members recently took on a construction project for a reception area at one of our largest offices. Busy little control freak beavers that they are, they felt it necessary to oversee the entire project. It wasn’t long until the project took on a life of its own with each member of the committee adding their own touches to it. After several re-designs and building delays, the project is now finished. It came in at ten times the original budget and our company slogan, the one they had etched in concrete, is wrong.

This same group has charge of one of our loosely held affiliates. A few years ago they put in place some new policies because they didn’t feel the affiliate was serving a broad enough customer base. Well, a few months ago, the affiliate, strapped for cash went before this same board and asked for a huge influx of cash to keep them from folding. Being it was a large holding, the board felt it had to give them the money. The board tried to blame the entire mess on the CEO. Their PR team is big at pushing papers so many of the stockholders believe it is his fault.

Right now this group is considering investing in a couple new businesses. These businesses are failing but the board thinks that an influx of our cash is just the thing they need to pull them through. Of course, they’ll demand management authority in return for the cash. With their track record should we let them take over?

You could be dimmer than the star on an atheist’s “there’s no such thing as Christmas” tree and still realize the board I am referring to is none other than the Legislative branch of our government. This collection of nitwits hasn’t successfully managed a single thing they’ve gotten their grimy little corrupt fingers on since the ink dried on the constitution they are supposed to be serving. Now, in these trying economic times, they want increased power, increase spending and plan to take control of private sector businesses. Maxine Waters admitted in session she wants to socialize the oil companies. The money being given to the Auto makers comes with the appointment of a car czar. They want to silence opposing voices through control of the airwaves. I hope to hell at least one of the last four sentences has gotten you riled, scared or running to the toilet!

Congress has been F’ing us royally for decades. They …

fouled up Social Security by robbing Peter’s lock box to pay for Paul’s conspicuous consumption. They …

failed to be judicious managers of the monies we sent them; spending like drunken sailors on shore leave in a South Pacific port town. They …
fixed campaign finance rules to increase their reelection war chests to a size that would make Dolly Parton jealous. They …

fought every effort to increase our supply of domestic oil at a time of growing energy costs. They…

feign indignation when their own are caught with their hands in the public’s pocket and they …

forgive and forget those indiscretions as soon as they are out of the headlines.

The latest proposed stimulus package and their effort to manage the big 3 out of their problems is the biggest F of them all; the one that should keep you up at night.

Dreadlocked war protesters and pink shirted biddies have been using this F word regarding G. W. Bush for years. Unfortunately, like most things, they’ve no clue what they are talking about.
The big F here is for Fascism.

The left calling Bush a fascist and the right calling the current ideas being floated by congress and Obama socialist are both wrong.

Fascism is a more subtle form of government ownership than socialism. Socialism is a system in which the government owns and controls the means of production. Fascism is a system in which government leaves nominal ownership of the means of production in the hands of private individuals but exercises much control and reaps most of the profit by means of heavy taxation. Think of your mother-in-law and you’ll get the point.

It is fascist the way government is hoping to take over via regulatory control major businesses. So what can we do about it?

It might not seem like it but I choose the titles of these posts very carefully. When I say F ‘em, I mean Fire them. We just had an election and, once again, incumbents won a majority of the contests. Two years from now, when the next round of congressional elections happens, vote for the challenger. I don’t care if they are Republican, Democrat, Independent or Libertarian. You have my permission to ignore Socialist, Green and Communist candidates. We need to clean house and get government back under the control of we the people. We have to wait two years for our chance but that gives us lots of time to watch the F'ers

I realize there is not a single link in this post and it isn’t very funny. Sorry. I am in Denver, it is snowing, my skis are in Utah and I have the world’s slowest internet connection tonight. I will make up for it tomorrow.


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