Wednesday, February 18, 2009

La la la la, I am not listening la la la (Fingers in my ears)

From an early age we are conditioned, Pavlovian like, to dread bad news. It starts in grade school when you hear your name and "come to the Principal's office" in the same sentence. Your pulse quickens and sweat stains grow to a point that the girl you like in the front row is sure to notice because you know the experience down the hall will not be good. In college the ringing phone which heralds the call from the Free Clinic with your test results sounds more like the metronome of a dirge than a pleasant ring a ding ding. The normally sweet sound of your boss' secretary's voice on the intercom asking you to come to his office for an unannounced meeting is as grating as Helen Thomas trying to sound sexy. And how far off the chart does your EKG go when your better half announces, "We need to talk".

Face it, sometimes no news is good news. I had a discussion earlier this evening with a liberal co-worker in which he stated those of us on the right just don't listen. I figure he just doesn't get it. None of us like to hear conflicting viewpoints. Like birds of a feather we tend to hang out on telephone lines crowing about with like minded bird brains rather than flap our gums with the flockers down the wire who have opposing opinions. But, just like Lindsey Lohan needs to hear the truth about her weight, drug abuse, alcoholism, partying, lack of talent, smoking, poor choice in women and poor choice in men, sometimes those in the media spotlight and public office need to hear it too. If only they would be open enough to listen.

I stated months ago that GM, Chrysler and Ford needed to live or die on their own merit. Even other conservative bloggers didn't want to admit this. Finally, with two of the three returning to Washington with empty porridge bowls like Oliver Twist facing the evil monk asking, "Please, sir, we want billions more", there are calls to let them eat cake. I doubt Congress will listen and there bowls will overflow until the next time.

The grossly misnamed Employee Free Choice Act, commonly called Card Check, has been called outdated, bad for business and a mistake. The weirdly named blue dog democrats are questioning the wisdom of pushing this legislation amongst their own party. The hounds bark is reaching deaf ears as the bill against the right to work is working its way toward passage.

Hillary Clinton has been told
that leaving North Korea with nuclear capabilities is akin to leaving your campfire burning and going to bed with a full bladder instead of properly dousing the final embers with water saving efficiency. Pyongyang is hot with radioactive desire to develop a bomb of its own and the former first lady needs to be adamant in her stance against the proposed missile test Lil' Kim Jong just announced. Think she will listen? Me neither.

Most in the main stream media have been telling those in the popular stream media not to worry about the return of the Fairness Doctrine. Recent chirping in the supposed unheard left of center media belie the veracity of the aforementioned advice of those who won't be affected. For years, free market free thinkers have been telling those who call for fairness that government regulation is not the answer. Megyn Kelly on Fox did everything but slap little heard Bill Press upside the head. If you want visual proof of someone who refuses to listen and just doesn't get it, watch this:

Governor Bobby Jindal is going to tell the federal government he and the state of Louisiana don't want their money and that they can stick it someplace else. If you read the Spendulus Law closely you will see the feds will not listen and will try to force the state to accept their generosity under penalty of law.

The hardest of hearing in this potentially long line of deaf and dead between the ears audiences is none other than Nancy Pelosi. After waxing ignorantly about the opinions of the Catholic Church on abortion a few months ago, she was taken to the proverbial Wood confessional to be set straight by none other than the man in charge. Emerging with Eggs Benedict XVI on her face after a 15 minute face to face with Il Pappa, our deer in the headlights, third in line to be leader of the free world seems to be seeking absolution in isolation. Her brief comments to the press make it seem like she and His Holiness attended radically different services as she made no mention of the disservice to the unborn that the Pope called her on. I've long wondered how self-proclaimed adamant Catholics can easily put aside their duty to the innocent and pull the lever for candidates who will push a pro-choice agenda. The fact Obama won the Catholic vote has my head pounding so hard I can't hear much myself. This dichotomy between spiritual and electoral rationals has to be addressed. Nancy will not listen. She owes too much to the Choice crowd to let a little thing like her religion get in the way of her political career and fund raising.

Finally, we were told of the importance of passing the Spendulus Bill to save our economy from the brink of collapse. Today, The ONE announced another $75 Billion to save home owners. Tomorrow, who knows? Monday the House will begin to deliberate on spending hundreds of Billions of dollars more just to get us through to the end of the fiscal year. Spendulus II, the sequel, will not be far behind. With all the thick skulls and auditorially challenged folks in Washington, perhaps it is time for us to start listening a bit closer to what is being said by our elected officials.

I urge you to listen. Our freedoms are at stake. Before it is too late remember,in almost every decent war movie, when the beloved Corporal is fatally wounded by sniper fire, he utters the same line, "I never heard it coming".


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