Sunday, March 22, 2009

Wait an hour before swimming

Snopes, the authority on all things rumored, did one of their exposes on fourteen "Old Wives Tales" and the best these superstitions could do in the face of complete refutation was one "undetermined" and several "unclassifiable veracity".

So why it that year after year old wives keep spewing these pearls of wisdom to their progeny in hopes of changing their behavior? Most of them know what they are saying isn't really true but, my guess is, they think it sounds just good enough they will get away with saying it; kind of like the indignation being put on by members of Congress over the AIG bonuses or guy at the bar telling the hottie he just met, "I've never felt like this before and I can't believe we've only known each other two hours. Do you need a ride home?"

Parents and others in authority seem to think a little white lie is acceptable to tell a mush brained adolescent if the end result is beneficial to them. The ONE, a President who embodies the ultimate in nanny state governance exemplifies this practice better than your average suburban hockey mom.

Through regulation, taxation and plain old badgering, our government has been attempting to change our behavior for far too long and the practice is picking up speed faster than an affronted special interest group runs to the media after a Biden or Obama off teleprompter appearance.

The latest example of the government forcing us to eat our plate of broccoli when we really want pizza is the continuing move to push us in to little electric death traps that probably will need to be pushed the final mile home every other night. We've been hearing for years that a functional and efficient electric car is coming soon. Well, I am going to start working out and dieting one of these days, too.

The problem with huge government investment in projects and technology like this is, we don't want it. Hybrids, the darling of the Green Movement just a few months ago are now sitting alongside their gas guzzling cousins on the lots of American auto dealerships while customers avoid their salesmen in droves.

The day will come, and I do hope it is soon, that the populace of this great country moves to alternatives to oil and other energy that we are currently required to purchase from guys with sheets for suits and shit for brains who want us dead and look at electric or other powered vehicles. This will happen when those vehicles become valuable to us through efficiency, comfort and all those intangibles that will allow a man to overcompensate with one instead of looking emasculated behind the wheel. The free market will determine when that day comes.

Until that day, we will be like pre-teens pushing our vegetables around the economic plate and government money thrown at these technologies will end up wasted like so many uneaten meals that our mother's told us would feed the starving kids in Africa.

We should do with the money what we all told our moms when they used that trite bit of psychology, "sent it to them".



William Lawson said...

Well, I would like to buy a Honda Civic hybrid because they look cool and I'd be actually doing something to put my money where my mouth is. But I can't afford the damn thing. I think that part of the problem with hybrid cars is the government and oil pushers too-cozy relationship. There are brilliant minds and entrepreneurs in the US and elsewhere that can/could come up with a hybrid that would not only be functional, but also comfortable and have a 'cool' quotient. But these people are kept off the uneven playing field by the aforementioned collusion, IMHO.

Also, I must take you issue with you: you condemn the One for insulting the Special Olympics folks and in the same post you refer to Arabs generally as guys with sheets for suits and shit for brains. Sounds a little hostile to me but what do I know. :)

Bald Man Talking said...

I will disagree with you on the collusion comment. That is often the reason given for the lack of development of an engine that gets 100 miles to the gallon or one that runs on water! If someone could create such an engine (water fueled!!! I mention this as it is the common argument), no one could stop it. The demand and profit motive would be too great.

OK, let me get on my bike backwards and start peddling. I agree, the shit for brains comment was a bit harsh and sounded funnier in my head. I meant no disrespect to Arabs in that. I was talking about Venezuelans.

I don't condemn Obama for the Special Olympic comment. It really wasn't that big of a deal but he is getting much more of a pass on this in the Mainstream media than his predecessor would have had he made the same verbal slip. I comment on it because it seems whenever the President is without his teleprompter that things like this occur.