Saturday, March 14, 2009

What's in a name.

There is a bar magician in Aspen, Colorado by the name of Doc Eason. Doc usually ends his evening's performance by having between 20 and 30 people in the audience each pick a card and he proceeds, as is the goal of any good magic trick, to find each one in an entertaining way. While this is amazing in itself, he also calls each person by name as he produces their card. This is a group of people he met just this night and there are no name tags, seating charts or presidential teleprompters helping him keep track.

If a man's word is his bond then his name is collateral against payment of that surety and his reputation is the bank account on which those funds are drawn. Remembering and using someone's name in conversation not only holds their interest but could be seen as adding interest into your own promisory account.

It was said George W Bush created nicknames for nearly everyone he had contact with. These nicknames helped him remember people and build rapport. For all the talk of how the world hated us, as in the U.S., during what these naysayers called his "unelected reign of error", GW43 was able to develop excellent working relationships, and a few personal ones, with many leaders around the world.

Evidence that "change" truly has come to Washington couldn't be more plain. In addition to the sweeping economic and social policy changes The ONE is pushing through the Democratic Congress, Barack "never miss a party or excuse to take a day off" Obama is changing the way the White House treats foreign dignitaries.

In just over 50 days, the First African American President of the United States has been dissed by the Prime Minister of Russia, been called out by the complete nut currently running Iran and shown himself to be a poor host and lousy gift giver with Gordon Brown of England.

The latest example that Obama plays host about as well as Pamela Anderson models clothes happened just last week when Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva came to make nice. Considering that Obama would be the one asking for a favor in this meeting, it was interesting that the administration felt it necessary to reschedule an international meeting because of a social holiday. Somehow I think the president of a country that holds one of the most debauchery laced celebrations in the world would be fine tossing back a few green beers over talk of ethanol imports. The pushing up of this meeting gives the impression the South American country's president is second in importance to a drunken Irish Saint. Should I even mention the separation of Church and State argument that surely would be shouted if this was done by a Republican President?

Adding insult to injury, the White House treated President da Silva no better than a drunken one night stand by getting his name wrong! The same spell check challenged staffer that made Hillary 's "reset" button must have been assigned the duty of name tags and invitations. I just hope Obama's teleprompter writer isn't the same person or else he'd have been calling his guest the wrong name all day. If no teleprompter was used, I am guessing he was called President Um all day.

Finally, looking bored and distracted while Brazilian reporters asked questions, Obama had to begin his response with, "Was that directed to me?" Well smart man, it was either to you or what's his name sitting over there.

Supporters of The ONE will surely say commenting on this is making a fuss out of a nothing issue. However I see it more as commenting on doing nothing when there should be a fuss. These repeated examples of arrogance in incompetency from a group stated as "the best brightest and smartest" ever to occupy the Presidency can't continue. By not caring to pay attention to detail, the Obama administration is showing indifference toward its international visitors and the opposite of love is not hate; it is indifference.

More is coming to light how Obama is a 9-5 President who likes to play basketball, go to basketball games, throw parties and fly around in big jet and 'copters. He will be blowing off the annual Gridiron Club next Saturday as he will be in Chicago on Spring Break. I hope he checked his BlackBerry before making his plans. I can picture a contingent from Tinylittlekastan standing at the White House front door ringing and ringing the bell with no one home.

I remember several interviews with George Bush where, to illustrate his ignorance, the reporter would ask a gotcha question about the name of the most recently come to power ruler from some unpronouncable "stan" country. Perhaps reporters should begin doing that before they show up to the White House. At least the staff could use the newspaper article to check their spelling.

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