Friday, March 13, 2009

Who is this Dolt?

[Updated: 3-16-09 Link at end]

Jeremiah Tucker is an idiot.

I have never met the man and don't want to.

In Ayn Rand's famous, and apropos for today, novel Atlas Shrugged the recurring question exemplifying despair, futility and surrender is "Who is John Galt?" I was curious to see a headline saying "Atlas Shrugged Updated for the Current Financial Crisis" and had to follow the link. In this spoof, the question should be "Who is this dolt?"

What I found there was a story, supposedly thought to be creative, which took major points of brilliance made by Ms. Rand and got them so completely wrong in the assessment of their circumstances and true meaning that the author is either ignorant of historical economics and the themes of the original book or an idiot. My vote is the latter.

I am currently halfway through another reading of this inspiring tome and to see someone so miss the mark in mocking the book honestly pisses me off. The takers of Atlas Shrugged are alive and well and posting on the Internet.

If you have read Atlas Shrugged, take a look at this moron's attempt at belittling those of us who relate to and sympathize with the protagonists in this most important piece of literature. If you have never read it, get to your local library or bookstore, pick up a copy and prepare to see how a book written generations ago can be so true in today's world that Ms. Rand surely was prescient.

Then check out someone who explains Ms. Rand's relevance much more eloquently than me.

And then send the dimwit Tucker an email.

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