Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Too busy working to watch TV

Today is one of those days where holding a more than full time job interferes with your supply of witty reportage. In an evening display of multi-tasking that would make a one man band performing a Benny Goodman medley jealous, I rewrote a thirty minute script, burned a dozen CDs to my new network hard drive, Skyped with several co-workers, sent pictures of Snow Leopard cubs and Photoshopped Kim Kardashian images to Mrs. Bald Man electronically from the kitchen table to her office and watched the First African American President of the United State's second nationally televised news conference. To maintain my sanity, I had the sound turned down on The ONE and tried to catch as many of the subtitles as I could. Little did I know, this effort would provide insight that was validated through a quick search of the ever accurate Internet.

Three things struck me watching the President sans sound. First, I immediately noticed the absence of the ever present teleprompters. Second, there was a definite lack of "umm", "err" and "ahhs" in the subtitles. The alignment of these incongruous stars made me pause in my work effort and turn up the volume for a few moments. Sure enough, The ONE was delivering a cogent, crisply delivered but boring speech. There wasn't a verbal pause in earshot. Perhaps my criticism of his public speaking was unwarranted.

Sound turned down on the TV and headphones blasting Crosby, Stills and Nash (but no Young) firmly in place on the smooth dome, I was back to work and periodically watching our dear leader. It seemed he was uniquely focused on one particular reporter in the room. Could there be a Clintonesque scandal brewing? Did Jake Tapper of ABC have a spinach leaf in his teeth? Did Helen Thomas go commando? No. No. And please God NO!!!

Come to find out, thanks to Fox News' wrap up of the conference, the object of the President's affection was none other than his old friend the Teleprompter! The staff had replaced the front of the room glass panels with an LCD, hopefully hi-def and cable ready, television.

OK, all is now right with the world. Honestly, I prefer the impression of watching a tennis match action of his looking left, right, left, right while reading to the singly focused stare at the center of the room. I do notice he has a tendency to read from the right side glass more often. I guess when you are as far left as The ONE, everything seems to be to the right.

I will apologize for not having any deep analysis or insightful review of tonight's conference. I just didn't have time to review it. Then again, anyone coming here for insight and deep thought is in the wrong place.

Instead, I direct you to one of my new favorite places on the net. The home of none other than Obama's Teleprompter. If you don't laugh over there, you never will.

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