Saturday, March 28, 2009

I never knew

This will be a short one today. It is later than the usual late night posting time and I've still got about 75 sites to review in "researching" a new topic.

I am behind schedule today because I took a nap. Just like a kindergarden student, I got all tired cramming new thoughts in to the tight recesses of my brain. I spent the plane ride home reading about Flash programming and then I got to help Mrs. Bald Man with some of her Photoshop final projects for her school. It was great having the chance to learn something new today.

What, you are asking yourself is funny about any of this and where is the bashing of The ONE? Sorry. Today's theme is one of self-improvement and humility. The more blogs, articles and postings I read the more I realize there are a lot of talented and creative minds floating around the ether that comprise the net. While we can't allow ourselves to rely on everything (or even most of) that we read in blogs or, unfortunately, "real" news sites, information is a precious and valuable commodity.

It is an overused example but, I have to use it. If I give you a dollar and you give me a dollar, we each have a dollar. If I give you an idea and you give me an idea, we each have two.

So, take the opportunity to learn something new today and then share that knowledge with someone else. We will all be better off for it.

That's it for today. I have to go take care of Mrs. Bald Man. She just tripped over the dog. Tomorrow, I will be back with vitriol and a good long rant.


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