Monday, January 12, 2009

Is Leisure Suit Larry due for a comeback?

[My plane to Phoenix was delayed. It is late and I’ve an early morning……]

I feel like Sherman, having just gotten out of the “Way back” Machine with that smartest of dog scientists, Mr. Peabody, and am once again firmly entrenched in the 1970’s. Of course, being that Peabody's Improbable History on the Rocky and Bullwinkle show was on in the 60’s I guess the “Way back” machine wouldn’t have been a requirement for travel.

This very day in 2008 could have existed in the 1970’s as well. Clint Eastwood is number one at the box office. Stories of Elvis Presley’s death are all over the television. Control of the House and Senate are firmly in the hands of the Democrat party. A black family is “movin’ on up” and we are about to have an extremely liberal Democrat President in the White House. Ok, that last sentence was a “twofer” at PEBO’s (Neal Boortz’s acronym for President Elect Barack Obama) expense but I was running short of examples. And finally, news organizations are starting to warn of a potential Ice Age.

To say “what goes around comes around” or “everything old is new again” would only serve to reinforce that, in adages as well as everything else, “there is nothing new under the Sun”.

One other similarity between today and the 70’s is the economy sucks. It wasn’t unprecedented government spending that turned the gas line economy of Jimmy Carter around. It was the conservative and capitalist ideas and ideals of Ronald Reagan. It seems all consideration of free market solutions to today’s economic woes is about as likely as Joe the Plumber winning a Pulitzer for his reporting.

In about nine days Pelosi’s House and Reid’s Senate will present the newly inaugurated PEBO with a plan to spend more money, control more business and stifle more freedom than ever could have been imagined by the wig wearing geniuses back in Philadelphia so long ago. We will be asked to do our share, buck up, suck it up and shut up and take it.
Back in the 70’s we had a few real Republicans in Congress. Let’s hope a few them in office today remember leisure suits and Saturday Night Fever.

[Sorry for the abrupt end. My schedule will hopefully soon settle down into its usual state of chaos and I will again wax on endlessly. I hope you can’t wait.]


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