Monday, January 19, 2009

Oy oh boy.

Tomorrow is the big day. We will have to stop with PEBO and go back to calling him The ONE. I don't really feel like typing much tonight. I've got a headache from all the chanting O Bam A, O Bam A, O Bam A and my side job counting trees has me confused. When does a bush become a shrub become a tree? It's like that whole a tomato is a fruit not a vegetable thing. Besides, if I speak badly about our new leader I might have to go to the principal's office.

I did hear that it is a big day for short Jewish women. Dr. Ruth Westheimer is going to accompany Hillary Clinton to the Middle East. She speaks Yiddish and when it comes to foreign policy you need someone who can say penis in several different languages.

It should be a big day also for short Jewish men. Since my mind is preoccupied classifying fruits and vegetables, I am going to turn the rest of today's post over to one Jackie Mason. Mr. Mason has, in recent years, been more vocal in his political views and he is showing now signs of slowing down.

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