Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sweet Caroline's good times must really have been so good.

Groucho may not have wanted to be a member of any club that would have him but, considering the den of liars, thieves and miscreants that is our current government, what skeletons must be in Caroline Kennedy's closet for her to pull her name from consideration to replace Hillary Clinton, a woman with a walk in closet worth of body parts herself, for the United States Senate. And to pull her name out under the cover of darkness in a late night announcement only serves to pique the interest of those of us vulture-like enough to want to circle this pile of bones in a death spiral of conjecture and innuendo. And the rumor mill is grinding away full speed.

The New York media is busy fleshing out these skeletons trying to make a body of concrete evidence for why she doesn't want the position. The initial word was it was a combination of taxes and nanny problems. That can't be it. If those were reasons to pull the plug, Timothy Geithner wouldn't be about to become the Secretary of the Treasury. Next we heard there were marital infidelities. That is almost a pre-requisite for running for office. It is the main reason I've not run for Congress. I can't get Mrs. Bald Man to sign off on that part of the deal so I remain unqualified. Tonight we hear the governor just didn't think she was ready or qualified for the job. Hello? Have you seen who is sitting in the Oval Office this week? Since when do qualifications count?

Some in her camp blamed Senator Ted Kennedy's recent illness and collapse but that is just plain pandering and plain wrong. In the ultimate effort to put a better face on this skeleton's skull, George Stephanopoulos says she backed off to "put family first". Isn't that special. I can't tell if the tear in George's eye is from this bit of candor or is left over from the joyous eye watering he and others in the media had during the inauguration.

All of this is an example of how, when the handlers get involved, politicians and politician wannabes end up looking even stupider than, ya know, they, ya know are. Had Mrs. Kennedy simply let the governor nominate the person of his choosing she could have simply walked away and joined her skeletons back in the ole closet. Hopefully Obama will keep her number on his super secure BlackBerry. If not I am sure the Chinese will put it in for him as soon as they hack it.

Had she been the one nominated, these issues might not have made a difference. For Democrats, not much matters. In the midst of a lawsuit over the recount, the Senate is going to try and seat Al "there are more votes in my trunk if you need them" Franken.

We have entered an age where the only thing that matters is the "agenda". More than anything I have heard recently, nothing has scared me as much as this quote from Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D. In saying why he was voting to approve Timothy Geithner for his Secretary seat he said that in normal times he would oppose Geithner but "these are not normal times." Not normal times? So that means we can put ethics, justice, truth, and even the constitution aside because these are "not normal times". Unfortunately, in the coming weeks you will hear this reasoning also applied to spending bills, gun control, right to choose bills and other soon to be named restrictions on our liberties and attacks on capitalism.

The only thing not normal in all of this will be if right thinking Americans continue to idly by while the flesh of their freedoms is ripped from their bones.

I am heading to the closet to cry with my skeletons.


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