Friday, January 23, 2009

Wear your mullet long enough and it might come back in style.

It amazes me how out of touch our leaders are. It seems every initiative, every bill, every speech and every waking moment of our esteemed politicians in Washington has something to do with saving the planet from Global Climate Change or going "Green".You will note the I wrote Climate Change and not Global Warming. The recent spat of cold weather, recent as in the past ten years, has somewhat changed the tune of the single minded climate fanatics.

Take a look at the chart to the right. This Pew Research Council study shows more regular folk care about who is paying the toll for the trips politicians are taking on private jets to the warm climate of the Caribbean than the toll those jets are taking on the Caribbean's climate.

It surprises me that the party currently in charge, the Democrats, are the ones supposedly in touch with the hopes, cares and feelings of the electorate.

They have invited the completely out of touch with society but completely "touched" in the head Al Gore to testify next week on Global Climate Change. The Republicans, the out of touch ones according to the media, are likely to be less hysterical about this subject. Look again at the chart above then look at the one to the left and tell me who is in line with America.

Yeah, that is what I thought too.


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