Monday, January 26, 2009

Impossible odds? No just unimaginable arrogance

I got home from work with a headache and made the mistake of getting in to bed with my laptop but no television remote. To my dismay, the TV was tuned to MSNBC and the Keith "I am an arrogant, egotistic blowhard whose lack of depth perception extends beyond my visual acuity into my political beliefs" Olbermann show.

It has been 38 minutes and I have yet to agree with a single thing this squinty eyed pretty boy talking head has said. Not one word. I doubt him when he says he will be back after brief messages. In fact, if the remote was closer at hand, I can guarantee he wouldn't be back.

Amazingly, about a third to a half of this show has been spent on continuing the bashing of George W. Bush that has gone on for years on MSNBC. Truly this is a derangement that this network in general and this so-called anchorman in specific has. (My doubt is not that he is an anchor it is that he is truly a man.)

I am at the point where it I can't take it anymore. Time to turn off this drivel and put something a bit more cerebral on. I think MTV's Rock of Love might be on.

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