Saturday, December 27, 2008

Yes Nevada there is a Santa Claus

Babies aren’t even tired of playing with the boxes that their expensive, sitting in the corner still untouched toys came in and already we are being teased with the prospect of a wonderful present set to arrive just before Christmas 2010. Said gift would be a resounding defeat of the so-called leader of the senate Harry Reid of Nevada.

Sure it is too early to call an election when Al Franken hasn’t even finished stealing the senate seat in Minnesota this year and the Republicans haven’t even nominated an opponent candidate but hope springs eternal.

Reid’s bumbling and partisan antics border on anti-American and represent the worst of political behaviors. Republicans need to start now and continue to push if we hope to unseat a politician who has used his office to inoculate himself against competition instead of working to better the country.

I spend as much time in Nevada as I do at home in Utah. I’ll be watching closely and letting you know how to get involved. I had planned on writing a lot more about Harry "I suck the life out of everything I touch" Reid until, while searching for fodder for my oratorial cannon, I found this short video in which the master of all matters verbal unleashes on the same subject matter. I know when I am out spoken:

Enjoy the gifts of this holiday season and try not to hurt yourself with your Wii.


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