Monday, December 15, 2008

Mirror, mirror on the wall who’s most biased of them all?

I love reading web sites that represent the far opposites in the political and social spectrums. The same issue that the mainstream media reports with their own slant and that Fox news tends to report more unbiased is commented upon with such divergent opinions by each side that Sybil would run out of personalities trying to keep up with them all. Of course these individuals’ underlying take on each issue is clouded by the prism of individual opinion that they see it through. So unless the realm of your personal experience is as blind as the Governor of New York, you too see things based on your experience.

Many of us have the ability to trip the light fantastic in another’s dancing shoes and can see both sides of an issue. It is those who live out on the edges of social issues like fifth graders at their first coed dance clinging to the wall surrounded by others of their gender who are afraid to move in to the center of the room to see who is on the other side of an issue’s dance card and, per chance, share a bit of boogie with them. Where it used to take two sides to tango, these internet extremists seem content to get their freak on alone in on-sided commentary with others Billy Idolizing the same single-mindedly opinionated God.

Where the internet was supposed to spawn discussion and exploration of opinion it has devolved into polarized camps where any exploration to “the other side” is met with an attack more fierce than that launched upon a Postman by a berate Chihuahua. It seems the opinionated have found their electronic doppelgangers and are content sharing their schadenfreude in unified encampments. Left is left, right is right and in the Barrack rooms of the net, never the twain shall meet.

Take just about any issue and examples of these opposite opinions are usually as easy to find as Bling on a Rapper; except, mind you, in the main stream media. If a right-wing nut bag zealot would have burned the pulpit from which the not so Reverend Jeremiah “God Damn Amerikkka” Wright sermonized would the media have been as uncaring as they’ve been regarding the burning of the Wasilla Bible Church where Sarah “there’s Russia right there” Palin worships regularly? I guess they know the folks in Alaska have thick skins under their thick winter coats.

They know because after Saturday Night Live lambasted the state in general and Todd “yeah, being first dude is cool” Palin specifically, they took it in stride and even laughed a bit. Not so with those on the Daily Cause (purposely misspelled to avoid search engines) and others whose eyes are spurting blood after a roasting of New York Governor Paterson. It was purile but that’s exactly what SNL is all about. They claim skits like this will perpetuate stereotypes and encourage discrimination. I’ll discuss the stereotype issue with my conservative, half-witted, Southern inbred brother-in-law while we pray over a meal of poached deer before heading to our Klan meeting and get right back at you on it.

If you think I am being sensitive, look at the comments made on extremist sites after Sandra “you’re a lesbian? Big surprise there!” Bernhardt’s suggestion Sarah Palin be gang raped versus when Bill "what say you" O’Reilly said, "I Don't Want To Go On A Lynching Party Against Michelle Obama Unless There's Evidence". I do suggest you read sites on both sides of the spectrum to see how each support free speech when it agrees with them.

Just like shoes on an opinionated Iraqi reporter, there are two size 10 sides to every issue. Where I see a brave President laughing and calmly ducking a Tom McCann curve ball better than Ben Stiller ever could, others bemoan the puss arm this outspoken protester throws with. Some say the reporter was right to point out the horrific way Bush walked all over the country. Others point out if this had been done in any other Arab country (you know the one’s GWB didn’t “invade”) he wouldn’t need his shoes as his tootsies would be six feet underground by now. Thank God it wasn't a sandwich!

I doubt any of us has the ability to see equally both sides of every issue. Bias prevents this but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Just don't let partisanship blind you the possibility there are redeeming values in other opinions. Don't surround yourself with sycophants. Seek out opinions and have discussions and you'll be amazed at how many lives you can touch when your vision is improved with the contact lenses of an open mind.


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