Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My patience for this patient's treatment is wearing thin

Is there a doctor in the house? Not a medical doctor but an economic one. One that isn't involved in politics would be preferred as it seems the current crop of economic advisers, specialists and bald headed witch doctors are killing their patient: the United States Economy!

Chief resident Paulson recently announced the patient has stabilized but he's been woefully wrong in his diagnosis before and his suggested method of treatment seems to change weekly. There are still several cancerous tumors growing and I'm afraid the treatment will be worse than this insidious disease.

I know several cancer survivors and recently saw a friend who is undergoing chemotherapy at a mutual friend's wedding. She looked like someone in the battle of her life for her life. Her prognosis, thank God, is good but to judge solely on how she looks you'd think there was no chance.

The entire scope of my medical knowledge was acquired peeking through the slot in the drapes at the cute lady patient next to me in the hospital when I had surgery on my Achilles tendon a few years ago. That stated, it is my extremely simplistic understanding that the theory behind chemotherapy is that it basically kills the patient while killing the cancer. The hope is the cancer dies first. A guy who claimed to be a doctor at the bar last night said that surgery to remove a cancerous tumor is always preferred to this radical solution but, once the cancer has spread so far, there is no other option. I guess it would be somewhat of a malpractice to start with chemo as a first choice.

Right now we've an infirmed capitalist system in our country. Several large tumors have appeared. The treatments the brain surgeons in our government have come up with are more akin to chemotherapy than surgery. By George "what the hell am I thinking" Bush's own admission, he has sacrificed free-market principles in order to save the economy. I refer those of you with public school educations to the preceding paragraph and ask, "Isn't this killing the free-market in an effort to save it?"

Unfortunately, the large tumors of the financial and auto industries are masking an even bigger cancer; big government and the socialist wannabees who are coming to power. They see the chemo of increased spending and government control of the markets as a long term medicine and, once we've been exposed to that virus, the cure is a difficult prescription to fill.

I'm not a licensed doctor but I did stay at Holiday Inn Express last night and I suggest starving the cancer (the economical equivalence of an operation) by letting it fend for itself. There is every chance these industries will cure themselves. Too radical an approach will not save them, it will only delay their inevitable demise.

For those of you unconvinced, I offer the words of someone who, like most people, is a lot smarter than me. I implore you, take seven minutes and watch this. It is very informative and reinforces my opinion that my college admitted socialist Macro Economics professor was full of crap.

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