Saturday, April 18, 2009

What have you done for me lately?

To listen to the mainstream media talk about the recent Tea Parties, when they weren't making juvenile jokes (Ed note: How does Anderson Cooper KNOW it is hard to speak while teabagging?) rather than discussing the real philosophy behind them.

The protests were not solely anti-democrat. They were not racist. They were not a bunch of ignorant sheep blindly following Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck. They were full of bible carrying, gun owning potential terrorists, but that is just Ms. Napolitano's opinions.

Proof that hypocritical Republicans won't get a free ride comes in this video from taken at a Greenville, SC Tea Party. Congressman J. Gresham Barrett from the state's 3rd District, who voted for the TARP program and for a second stimulus package tried to show how he was "one of us". Overall, his record is fairly good with appropriate votes on many conservative issues. His entire voting record can be found here. But what is evidenced by the reception he received at the tea party is that Republicans don't automatically pull the lever for the candidate with an R by his/her name unlike other well know "voting blocks".

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