Monday, April 13, 2009

Now he's gone and done it!

I didn't get as much done at work as I wanted today so I ended up working later this evening than planned. And, unfortunately, the blog is suffering a bit tonight.

I have outstanding research on Obama's 600 mile pizza delivery, Michelle's playing the media and the new puppy's piddling. Truth be told, I just don't feel like picking on the First African American President tonight. He did the right thing.

The news is abuzz with confirmation that The ONE gave the "go" order for the taking down of the terrorist Pirates off the coast of Somalia. I think a bit much is being made of his involvement as he didn't give the go order at the time of firing, it was a standing rule of engagement.

Nonetheless, the order was there, it was right and credit goes where credit is due. As conservatives, we need to be sure to provide this. So much was fuss was made over every decision made by George Bush for the past eight years that those on the left could seriously have been diagnosed with a true derangement syndrome.

Let's all come together, like much of the nation will be doing on Wednesday for tea, and give a good job to The ONE who, this time, deserves it.

Tomorrow, back to picking on the poor guy.


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