Thursday, April 16, 2009

I am speechless

Watching the reporting, when there was any, regarding the Tea Parties (or if you were watching CNN or MSNBC the Teabagging "snicker snicker guffaw" Parties) I actually found myself speechless.

If the media displayed a lack of ability to report, in an unbiased way, news during the election of The ONE, they went completely off the rails yesterday.

Somebody once said there are two sides to every story and I guess there are; there is the truth and then there is, umm, not the truth.

The Media Research Center has links to a dozen examples of media bias. In my own research, I found two examples of how it is not the right wing interested in squelching free speech. Look at how State run USC, claiming to be private property, treats a film maker only interested in asking questions. Then watch how students suppress the speech of an invited guest. You will not the police in this second video are a bit more comfortable with gadflys.

Link: Ziegler Arrest

Now look at how a right wing fanatical protester and public teabagger (said for the benefit of David Shuster) is confronted by a CNN reporter and then look at this same reporter at an anti-Bush rally in New Orleans several years ago.

I can't think of anything to say. Sorry. I will let the geniuses over at Fox's Red Eye say it for me.


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