Thursday, April 9, 2009

Oh yeah, that makes perfect sense

Reading headlines today I had to check the calendar a few times to make sure it was not still April 1. I wish it still was because, without the hope that what is being reported is really an attempt at a prank, I am left only to assume those in our government really do think we are stupid.

I've seen the video of President Obama not bowing before King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia at the G-20 meeting in London. Well, according to a nameless White House staffer, one of the 500 in the Pres' European posse,
"It wasn't a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he's taller than King Abdullah,".

If that is the case, I have to wonder who's hand that is rising from Obama's side after straightens his waist. I know he and his administration seem to have their hands in to so many aspects of our daily lives that is seems they are blessed with more than a humanly count of two hands.

Those of you think this is a conservative built mountain erupting like an Alaskan volcano that could blast Obama particles skyward (see below) need to realize this is an example of the First African American President of the United States being able to produce yet another faux pas without being called on it in the fawning mainstream media.

Following the anonymous staffer's logic, the President should have been almost on the floor to perform a two handed shake with the Ewok sized Queen of England. Let's go to the tape and see how far he had to bend to shake her hand:

It seems the President's knowledge of bowing etiquette is right in line with his gift giving prowess and mastery of Austrian as a second language. I am thinking the President studied science at the same place as these other subjects. In an effort to curb global warming, The ONE is exploring a plan to shoot pollution particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun's rays and cool the Earth.

The fact that there has been no warming in the past 10 years notwithstanding, isn't pollution (like those particles being launched) one of the things blamed for the supposed warming? The author of Audacity of Hope seems to be quite audacious in his opinion that mankind, sorry personkind, can control nature with what would be a parlor trick akin to making hand shadows on the wall from a table lamp's light.

The plan to stop global warming could be like a cold shower to the maker of the Kyoto Box Oven. This aluminum foil covered cardboard box won the "inventor" of the box around $100,000. I wonder if he is going to reinvest some of this bounty in to developing the Magnifying Glass Microwave?

I wish I could make these things up but I guess truth is stranger than fiction.


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