Wednesday, April 29, 2009

And now for something truly important

I'll keep this short since the Internet is running out of bandwidth and I was taught to share. With the two week celebration of Barack Obama's first 100 days in office, culminating with a White House love fest of a press conference, now over, perhaps Congress can get on to dealing with the very important issues our country now faces.

Oh, not the possible failure of the banking system and reporting on the super secret stress tests that were performed.

Not the potential bankruptcy of Chrysler this month and GM next month.

Not the flu formerly known as Swine that, according to the World Health Organization, is sure to reach pandemic proportions faster than a New York lawyer can dive under a taxi while Air Force One does a flyby of the Statue of Liberty.

The pressing issue about to be reviewed in the hallowed halls of one half of one third of our three part political system is whether the Bowl Championship Series for NCAA football is fair.

Joe Barton of Texas is behind this which only further proves Arlen Specter is not the only stupid Republican to have been elected.



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