Tuesday, April 14, 2009

It is a slippery slope as Green will be the new Pink

I feel for the DHS classified Right Wing Extremest Tea Party attendees in the Salt Lake area tomorrow. The mountains above our beautiful city are expected to get another two feet of global climate change induced snowfall. This skiable precipitation will be nothing but a cold wet rain in the valley. I suppose the inclement weather will limit attendance of the event to the truly faithful and keep the riff raff to a minimum. I will be doing the 450 mile carbon burning commute to Las Vegas for the day so my attendance will be only in spirit. To those of you going I say carry on and carry an umbrella.

The spring snowfall turns my thoughts to global warming and the manufactured hysteria around this false, anti-capitalist movement. Summer will soon be here along with the warm temperatures we normally have. Heat waves will spawn the usual newspaper and internet headlines of rising sea levels, melting ice caps and mankind's imminent demise.

The "green" movement, having reached the highest levels of our government has inspired a stimulus package filled with incentives for energy saving jobs, energy saving technologies and alternative energy research. The incentives promise us a better tomorrow and a cleaner planet. Unfortunately, a recently released study indicates the move to "greener" jobs will lead to a bitter tomorrow and emptier parking lots at companies. The unemployed who are now training for "green collar" jobs should be prepared to be back in training very soon as their new job will lead to less jobs overall.

Recently, President Obama's Interior Secretary, Ken Salazar, said that the amount of "developable" wind power off the East Coast could produce more energy than all of the coal-fired electric plants in the United States. According to FactCheck.org this statement is full of a bit of globally warmed hot air.

In theory there is enough offshore wind to generate far more electricity than coal plants do. Right now the United States has a total of zero offshore wind farms and, assuming the Kennedys and their Portuguese water dog walking friends in Hyannis Port aren't the only "not in my back yard" citizens on the East Coast, that number likely won't grow to the 3,600 farms it is estimated will be needed to harness and produce enough electricity to replace coal in the near future. To put that number in perspective, we are talking about land based farms that will cover an area the size of the state of Rhode Island.

In an example of how cannibals eat their own, the environmentalist group, Friends of the Earth, have stated that their fellow tree huggers favorite pump product, Biofuels, is producing twice the amount of carbon emissions of the gasoline they are made to replace. As one (most likely) ponytail clad vegetarian member of the group stated, "Trying to cut emissions by adding biofuels to petrol is like trying to cut down on beer by lacing your pints with vodka". I'll agree with him on that point; these green groups drive me to drink, but only in hybrids.

Most disturbing in this age where new coal, oil or nuclear plants are as welcome as Caroline Kennedy at the Vatican, a study of the effects on employment of public monies spent on renewable energy sources in Spain has just been released. In speeches, our President Obama has pointed to the bull running homeland as a solar powered shining example of a green move toward alternative energy. I will admit I haven't read the entire 51 page report but I did gleam this from the executive summary:
"... while it is not possible to directly translate Spain’s experience with
exactitude to claim that the U.S. would lose at least 6.6 million to 11 million
jobs, as a direct consequence were it to actually create 3 to 5 million “green
jobs” as promised (in addition to the jobs lost due to the opportunity cost of
private capital employed in renewable energy), the study clearly reveals the
tendency that the U.S. should expect such an outcome."
What that means in English and Austrian is the expansion of and investment in green jobs actually has a net negative effect. According to the study, Spain spent over 570,000 Euros to create each "green job", including subsidies of more than 1 million Euros per wind industry job. The study cautions against green energy mandates. Duh!

Tomorrow (today for most of you) there will be an estimated 2,000 protest Tea Parties around this great carbon producing country of ours. The numbers in attendance should dwarf those of any recent Earth Day celebrations. Despite this turnout, these parties will be belittled, discounted and made fun of. The attacks have already started on left leaning internet sites and MSNBC. It amazes me that, in the face of overwhelming impact, the mainstream media can ignore this movement while, in the face of underwhelming and often made up "facts", they support the global climate change crowd. Tomorrow, I can hope, will be the tipping point in the economic battle and this will lead to additional victory on the warming front.

While taking back our government, let us also remember, we need to take back our planet.

If you get a chance, pick up a copy of the newly released book "Heaven and Earth" by Ian Plimer. Heaven and Earth is an evidence-based attack on conformity and orthodoxy inspired by the likes of Mr Offset himself, Al Gore. In fact, help the economy, buy two copies and give one to a friend; preferable a liberal one.


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