Thursday, April 23, 2009

It isn't the Prejeans that make you look like an ass, it is the size of your fat head.

Married men live in constant fear. Fear that we won't notice a new hairstyle, a new outfit or, worse yet, that we will be asked by our spouse how she looks in a new outfit that we don't like. What do we do? Lie and live to lie another day or tell the truth and go, head held high, to the dog house to serve our penance.

It isn't our fault. If you ask me my opinion, don't be mad when the answer I provide isn't the one you want to hear. I'm a man firm in my convictions and, I like to think, I am willing to suffer the consequences of holding firmly to them. Conversely, if I ask you a question, I expect an honest answer and I'll respect it even if it isn't what I'd hoped to hear.

The same, unfortunately, can't be said of all men. In the case of this post, I am using the word man as loosely as Lindsay Lohan's tops are currently fitting. This post, like my one when Proposition Eight was voted on in California is not about gay marriage or my opinion on it. That is not germane to the discussion.

You are probably all aware that during the recent Miss America pageant, Miss California was asked by blogger and judge Perez Hilton her opinion on gay marriage. Miss California, Carrie Prejean, answered and it became apparent that Mr. Hilton was not only jealous that Ms. Prejean looks better in an evening gown than he does but that he really didn't care for her answer which defended marriage as a union between a man and a woman. He stated afterward that if he could have placed her 51st he would have. He went on to call her some of the most vile and debasing names one can use to refer to a woman.

To say the hissy hit the fit would be an understatement. The openly gay and surprisingly unattractive (for a gay man that is) Hilton has had a plethora of posts on his website which it a haven for images of stars frequently annotated with hastily drawn genitalia. I think Hilton is suffering from some weird form of penis envy. It is either an homage to loves lost or a fantasy of unrequited lust. Either way you get the idea of the tact and level of intellect we are dealing with when we associate ourselves with the self-proclaimed "Queen of all media".

There are several queer angles in this twisted tale of "the Beauty Queen and the tea bagger" (If this offensive term is acceptable on MSNBC and CNN I guess I can use it here where it truly is more apropos.) What the hell is this guy doing as a judge at the Miss America Pageant in the first place? If you want a man's opinion you should get one who can actually appreciate a well rounded (physically and mentally) woman for something other than a personal ideal to achieve. If you want a woman's perspective, you should seek one who can empathize with what these contestants have gone through. Mr. Hilton lies somewhere in the middle of these two sexes like a hiker in a narrow slot canyon who sees the walls rising on both sides but is incapable of realizing what lies at the top of either wall.

In recent days gay activists have been all over talk shows saying how they were offended by Ms. Prejean's comments and that she deserved to lose after she entered the political arena. Excuse me? She answered a question. She answered it with poise, tact and, even though I don't think it was required, stated "no offense is meant" as she answered it. Mr. Hilton brought the arena of social politics in to the arena of the contest when he posed the question to the posing beauty queen before him.

Ms.Prejean, with full knowledge her answer would cost her the crown, held firm to her convictions and answered honestly and let the crown fall where it may. Hilton claims she should have been more PC in her response. Well sorry the answer wasn't what you wanted Perez, you asked for it. Just like when Proposition 8 was put to a vote by the entire state of California. You lost that one too. It is sad those on the side of this issue claimed by the left are so intolerant of any dissent that every effort must be made to destroy those expressing the dissenting point of view.

I've avoided a bunch of easy gay and fat jokes so far. I'd rather embed a video by Steven Crowder. He nails it.



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