Monday, November 10, 2008

The fat lady tipping Justice's scales seems about to start singing.

In the 6 days since Barack Obama has been elected President, the news has been filled with unbiased reports of Republicans running around claiming the end is near: this is the end of conservatism, the end of the free market and the end of America as we know it. While it is true there may soon be a Chicken Little in every pot under the new “New Deal” Obama administration, cooler heads have reassured us that the foundation of our nation is stronger than a Hatian school and one man won’t be able to change all that much. I too have expressed that I have more fears than Polygamist bride on her pre-arraigned wedding night that the Obama/Pelosi/Read trifecta of socialist wannabes are about to launch us down the road to a farm where all we will have left is chicken feed.

Most of what I am fearful over are things that, once changed, can pendulum back under subsequent administrations. That is assuming we will have other administrations. There is already a movement for an Obama national holiday. Soon after his consecration, I mean coronation, I mean inauguration we might well see the repeal of the 22nd amendment to allow him to extend his rule permanently.

I don’t have much concern that Obama will rule more than the maximum allotted eight years. My money is that he will go “four and out” like Penn State did against Iowa all too much last Saturday to be replaced by a resurgent Reaganesque candidate. Yes, I too have Hope! So, honestly, how much irreversible damage can be done? Where the damage can be done is in an area that both the press and candidates avoided for the entire campaign.

Turn your eyes to the Holy Ghost of our governmental trilogy; the Supreme Court. Possessing neither the grandeur of our messianic new leader nor the all too human like visibility of the all-knowing Congress, the Supreme Court is behind the scenes and kept out of sight and out of mind. They sit dark robed in the Star Chamber-like Federal Courthouse and dole out decisions that none can overrule. They are the highest authority in the land. They’ve the ability, if you believe the left, to elect a president. They’ve the ability, if you believe the right, to set child molesters free.

The current composition of the Supreme Court is as balanced as an anal retentive accountant’s checkbook. A single new conservative judge could provide the needed vote to overturn Roe vs. Wade. A new liberal judge could provide the impetus to again ban capital punishment and provide late term abortions on demand (including partial birth).

An activist court at this level could do more irreparable damage than the Japanese National Sumo team at an all you can eat buffet. Issues near and dear to a conservative’s heart like partial birth abortion, stem cell research, gun rights and freedom of expression may be brought before a soon to change court that will bear as much resemblance to the current one as a Biggest Loser winner does to their former self.

There is every indication that during Obama’s first term, the vacancy sign to this permanent residence could go out for as many as three rooms. Four justices are in their 70’s and Justice Stevens is 88.

President Obama will nominate for these positions barristers whose values he admires and whose opinions he shares. Having a Democrat controlled House and Senate means these nominees will be approved faster than Exlax laden feed goes through a diahritic Goose (our should I say chicken?).

For the past few years, judgeships all over the country have been held up by Congress because the appointments were made by George Bush. The floodgates are soon to be open and a plethora of nominations from Obama will flow through. These appointments will have the ability to shape our society for many years to come.

Lifelong appointees to the Supreme Court definitely will shape our country. Am I concerned? You bet.

I suggest a prayer for the health and welfare of those currently on the bench. May they serve a long time.


1 comment:

Richard said...

My Gosh, you make a lot of sense.