Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Stranger than fiction

If NBC is the channel of No Bad Coverage for the first African American President of the United States then ABC must be Another Barack Channel. The unbiased news division of the channel is basically turning its cameras over to The ONE to tout his plan for pretty much taking over our health care.

Understandably the RNC has questioned the fairness of this and expressed its concerns that only one side of the issue will be discussed. The reply from ABC gives me a warm feeling and I anticipate a discussion as fair as an Iranian national election.

Reading about this "stab-proof" knife, I can't help but wonder if the TSA will allow me to carry this on a plane. This seems about as well thought out an invention as any security plan launched by the agency. Sure, you can't stab someone (well easily anyway)but it's my guess as soon as people figure out slashing someone works almost as well, the prices for this crab will be slashed too.

The Guantanamo Four's life in the paradise of the Bahamas took a nasty turn when Khelil held Ablakim's head under water a little too long while rough housing in the surf and Ablakim has a flashback to his waterboarding torture. The two quickly made up over ice cream and talk of some day blowing up the ice cream parlor.

I had to listen to this three times. The first time I thought it had been edited. The second time I thought I was drunk and the third time I decided I best get drunk. Ultra liberal comedian Bill Maher talks bad about The ONE?


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