Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Maybe it isn't suppossed to look like what it is.

I am sorry for those who lost family, friends and even casual acquaintences in the recent Air France tragedy.

Now that wreckage has been found we can lay to rest the Bermuda Triangle style theories of alien abduction. Thankfully, I didn't read that one too many places. I did read in quite a few places where terrorism had been ruled out rather quickly. I wonder why? Those saying so profess that this doesn't resemble a terrorist bombing. Well, Sotomayor doesn't look like a racist but she is. Looks can be deceiving.

I may be tinkling the ivories on the piano of this conspiracy song purposely but consider this:

France recently defended itself by killing a group of pirates in Somalia. These pirates happen to belong to the "religion of peace" known for retaliatory and terrorist acts worldwide.

The flight was delayed after the airlines and airport security received a bomb threat. The plane was searched but nothing was found. If the search was as thorough and logical as that I receive going through our own TSA screening on a weekly basis, I am not surprised nothing was found.

With wreckage strewn across a two mile deep ocean, we may never know what really happened to this flight and those innocents aboard. If it was a terrorist act, it isn't like the cowards who would purport to do such a thing are going to come forward to risk the world's wrath.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OBL owned up to the 9-1-1 events. It's sort of a perverse tack I'm taking here, but if those responsible for a terrorist attack hide their involvement, what have they accomplished? In my simple mind, I think it's more likely for terrorists to falsely associate themselves with an accident than to disavow one of their acts. Why go to the trouble of committing mass murder and then not take credit for it? Propaganda is what they're after, isn't it? And why not take false credit for an accident, if it's impossible to verify? All that propaganda for no work at all?
Of course, I'm only hypothesizing-- I condemn terrorism as a means to an end.
