Friday, May 29, 2009

Hair today, gone tomorrow

What a great country. I am writing this while traveling down the interstate at 85 miles an hour (Ed note: I am not driving) with the sun setting over the beautiful mountains to the west. My Verizon wireless card is enabling me to work (yes, I am swamped trying to complete a huge project) in to the evening without sacrificing on a scheduled climbing trip to southern Utah.

Mrs. Bald Man just informed me we will be stopping at a McDonalds to fill our ever expanding American bellies with fatty food served in land fill filling Styrofoam containers.

There is American brewed beer chilling in the cooler and those caps will be popped within minutes of arriving at our campsite. Life is good.

So what does a follicle challenged knee jerk conservative have to complain about? Perhaps it is the possibility of this great country being forever changed in a way that, just a few short decades ago, was considered impossible. Yeah, that seems knee jerky enough to warrant a few lines of text.

Much has been written, including on this blog, about our march to Socialism. I agree with recent pronouncements by Thomas Sowell that the march is to Fascism but who am I to split hairs when it comes to our parting ways with our country's capitalist roots. No matter how you style it, the future seems to be one that would turn the heads of our founding fathers prematurely gray under those wigs they were so fond of wearing.

It isn't just those of us on the right who see this. I've been combing through papers and websites that approach politics from the other side of the spectrum and there too comments are appearing regarding our move from a free market society. Of course, in many of these articles, the move is heralded as a good thing.

Even sources within our former top foe Russia acknowledge America is in a transitional stage. Read this from American Language Pravda and prepare yourself to be a little bit sickened in the realization the socialist press overseas is willing to report what the socialist press here in our own country refuses to.


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