Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hey palm readers, talk to the hand

As predicted, it didn't take long for the mainstream media news corpse (sic) to bury in the body of their print and verbal reports any mention of yet another verbal gaff by The ONE (see previous blog post here). Instead, the issue (sic) that has them wringing their hands in gleeful anticipation of delivering a left-winged and left-handed bitch slap to the Tea Party faithful is the fact Sarah Palin wrote a few crib notes on the palm of her hand when delivering a speech and answering a few questions.

Harry "the voice" Shearer opened his interview on Keith "the self-absorbed feaux male" Olbermann's show with a palm-reading joke. No sooner had the ink dried on Ms. Palin's palm and the Huffington Post grabbed on to the topic and devoted a bunch of digital ink to covering it. Chris Matthew's off handed remarks aren't even worth mentioning and Andrea Mitchell on CNN stepped way outside the bounds of journalistic neutrality with a rambling shtick of "callouts" that had her co-reporters (sic) giggling like the schoolgirls who usually resort to such hand writing on final exam day. Perhaps the examination all of these intellects (sic) should undertake is in to the depths of their angst over anything Palin.

There are supposedly two main issues at hand with Palm-gate. On one is the fact Sarah Palin blasphemed the anointed one by pointing out his unprecedented use of the teleprompter for everything from political speeches to grade school presentations to ordering a hot dog with Dijon mustard and Giardiniera (which he reads as "Garden era"). [ED Note: yes this is an alternative spelling of Jardiniere] Once it was pointed out that the hand notes in question here were not for her speech but were little reminders for the question and answer period of the conference, the gloves came off. I guess the recorders of fact (sic) for the mainstream (sic) media forget that Obama actually used teleprompters to answer "off the cuff" pre-screened questions during a press conference right after his election.

On the other hand, it is being stated that the hand written palm notes are further evidence of the former Governor's lack of intellect. She can't even remember five words? When are these talking head, scripted and intern reliant denizens of Mensa (sic) going to realize their questioning of anyone's intelligence is the pot calling the kettle black?

The root of this latest scandal (sic) to rock the beltway is that it is another example the media working left hand in glove with all things Obama; or more accurately all things anti-Palin. I've not raised my hand to jump on the Palin for President band wagon but she deserves better than the back handed and sick way she is being treated.

I guess making fun of a broad and her hand is worth two shots at Bush.


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