Monday, January 18, 2010

Marcia, Marcia, Marcia

Tomorrow is a very big day in the former colony of Massachusetts. If you are one who relies on the New York Times for all the news that is fit to print, you might not be aware that the Republican candidate has taken a lead in the tightly fought race for the Senate seat that Democratic candidate Martha Coakley said Ted Kennedy would want her to have. I am pretty sure brothers John and Robert spoke through dead talker and fraud psychic John Edward to voice their spiritual approval of the state's attorney general and die hard Sox's fan.

Reports from the commonwealth are coming in faster than my addled brain can digest them and cover everything from Brown's once posing provacatively in a woman's magazine to how everything is still George Bush's fault.

This election is being touted as a referendum on Obama in general and health care reform in particular. Republican enthusiasm is running high while democrats seem resigned to lose... or cheat.

Of all the turns of events in this momentous campaign, none caught my eye more than the fitting support shown to Ms. Coakely by the son of the seat's rightful owner, Patrick Kennedy. It seems mispronouncing names is a Kennedy trait. Just like daddy mangled the president's name during his campaign, his son doesn't even know the name of the candidate he is endorsing.

This is going to be an interesting few days. As I blogged before, the Dems are ready to slow the swearing in of Brown should he win. Let me go on record now and predict a recount being called for before the polls even close!

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