Sunday, April 25, 2010

I'd just lik to say...

I haven't posted in a while. It isn't for a lack of topics. Lord knows there is much going on today that deserves comment. I've been busy trying to do more productive things like work, fix the house and rip my CD collection to a hard drive (just passed 17,000 songs and growing).

I just couldn't pass this one up. I visited Revolution Muslim's website to read and hear their comments on the recent fracas over South Park's treatment of the Prophet Muhammad in their episodes 200 and 201. After giving them (well their spokesperson actually) a chance to air their side of the story, I have but one comment...

Younus Abdullah Muhammad, you can kiss my ass you cowardly piece of trash!

Next time you post an thinly veiled threat against the life of, well, anyone, you should have the intestinal fortitude, courage and decency to stand behind those remarks when they are rightfully questioned.



E said...

hmmm... they say commanding the good and forbidding evil... but "predict" the guys are going to die...

good to see you posting :)

Anonymous said...

wow... here's one i actually agree with you on!
Good one Steve.


Anonymous said...
