Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The problem with racists seems to be...well...their race.

Finding examples of media bias toward liberal viewpoints is about as difficult as finding stink in a month old carton of two percent milk. You, unfortunately, tend to get the same reaction when pointing this bias out to someone as you get when you say "here smell this" to your lovely spouse standing before you with a bowl full of dry Grape Nuts and a spoon. A reaction of indifference to your plight in having been the one to recognize the problem, a bit of irritance (sic) that you feel necessary to share the pain, indignance that you expected anything else to come from the so-called mainstream media or a container of clearly separated, past its prime bit of bovine juice and impatience that there is no quick remedy being proposed.

It was rather fun to run down to the local Whole Foods grocery to pick up a quart of fresh, organic, non-fat milk at an inflated price and listen to the pantheon of left leaning shoppers decry the chain's CEO's op ed piece against The ONE's health care initiative and proposing his own more conservative plan. There are even calls to boycott the haven for the organic food fueled, reusable bag carrying, granola munching crowd.

The milk run was easier than finding an unbiased news report on the recent town hall meetings on my 70 channels of Comcast basic cable. The latest topic du jour for reporters and pundits alike is the rash of anti-Obama, anti-health care militia members bringing their assault weapons to the events.

Let me be clear here: I am a staunch second amendment advocate who in matters of self-defense thinks a fair fight means you didn't bring a big enough gun. That said, it makes no sense to choose the battle of health care to demonstrate your personal viewpoints on this issue by bringing a weapon with you when attending a town hall affair. This move, albeit completely legal, only gives fodder to zealots on the left who will relish it with their morning cereal and herald it along with snap, crackle and pop as further evidence of the lunacy of the protesters.

The reporters pushing this issue prove they have the initiative of your average DMV worker at 4:59 PM on a Friday before a Labor Day Monday by resorting to the tired argument of racism as the motive behind their arming themselves.

Case in point is this report from the ever balanced MSNBC:

There is no doubt this group of concerned media professionals is concerned for the safety of our First African American President of the United States. Honestly, at times I am too; just not for the same reason. There is growing anger in the country toward the President and his marching us toward something that would make the wigs on our founding fathers turn prematurely gray. Soon it may rival the near hysterical and psychotic hatred the left had, and maintains, for George W. Bush. I feared for his safety too.

Where I differ with the dolts from the news post above is that I don't see the issue of race here. They seem to see it everywhere. I guess my first clue that the gun toting protester mentioned doesn't hate The ONE because he is African American is that the gunman too is African American. It took quite a bit of searching but here is a photo of the member of a well maintained and regulate militia:
Maybe this man is against Obama's white roots from his mother's side. Maybe he feels Obama is an Uncle Tom and not Black enough like was said about Clarence Thomas during his hearings when nominated for the Supreme Court. Maybe he is just a self-loathing African American who feels his brother is being uppity and serving the Man.

Maybe the reporters simply ignored the man's race because it didn't serve their purpose. I feel like a broken record in decrying the broken record of using racism as some ever effective kryptonite against any argument that goes against the lock step viewpoints of today's average journalist (sic).

And by lock step I am not claiming they are Nazi-like...blah blah blah blah.



CrackerBarrel said...

Former president Jimmy Carter has now made a public statement to the effect that the "You lie" interjection by Joe Wilson showed there was "an inherent feeling among many in this country that an African-American should not be president" and that the outburst is based in racism.

Carter was an ineffectual president, but one who I thought was sincere. I think his efforts at mediation since leaving office were sincere and well-intended, whether they were successful or not. But with this statement, he has lost most of his credibility with me.

I'm disappointed.

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